See details of available support and advice for young people in care in York.
Contact the Emergency Duty Team if you need to contact a social worker in an emergency in the evening, at night, or at weekends.
You can contact the Emergency Duty Team on telephone: 0300 131 2131.
Contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub if you urgently need to speak to a social worker between 8.30am and 5.00pm, from Monday to Friday.
You can contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on telephone: 01904 551900, or email: [email protected].
Contact the Pathway Team if you would like to talk about support for care leavers.
You'll be allocated a Pathway Worker when you are aged 17 and a half.
You can contact the Pathway Team on telephone: 01904 555389.
Refugee Action York (RAY) work with refugees, asylum seekers and migrants from within and around the City of York.
They provide a safe meeting point where people can seek information and support, learn new skills and languages and create friendships.
Contact Speak Up if you would like an independent advocate, or to find out more about your rights and entitlements.
You can contact Speak Up on telephone: 07769 725174, or email: [email protected].
Childline provide a free and confidential helpline and a website for you to get advice about any worries or issues you have.
You can contact Childline on telephone: 0800 1111.
NHS Mental Health Support is a free service for people of all ages who are in mental distress.
You can call at any time for your local crisis service.
You can contact NHS Mental Health Support on telephone: 0800 0516 171.
Whatever problems you are dealing with, you can access free, confidential emotional support at any time from the Samaritans.
You can contact Samaritans on telephone: 116 123.
The Become website is full of lots of helpful advice, including care fact sheets exploring topics such as finance, pathway plans and people you may meet in children's services.
They also have a free advice line and a life coaching programme that you can apply for.
Coram Voice is a leading children’s rights organisation.
Their website has lots of information about your rights and entitlements, and provides helpful information about being in care.
Law Stuff provide free legal information to children and young people.
Their website has a section for children who have come to the UK, and offers advice about immigration status, education and the support you can receive.