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A large mural created by young people of York in care.

Complaints and compliments

The Have Your Say team at City of York Council is there to hear your feedback about the services you receive.

See details of how to complain or make a compliment about council services, or about local health services.

Anyone can make a complaint about a City of York Council service. This might be because they’re unhappy with the service they received or they feel the service could have done things better.

All young people under the age of 18 and accessing support from children’s services are entitled to support from an advocate when making a complaint.

An advocate can:

  • help you understand the different options about how to share your concerns, including making a complaint
  • help you understand your rights and entitlements
  • help you write your complaint
  • help you understand information and responses you may receive
  • support you throughout the complaints process

You can make a complaint yourself by contacting the council's Have Your Say Team on telephone: 01904 554145, or email: [email protected]. You can also submit a complaint or compliment online.

If you would like an advocate to support you with making a complaint contact Speak Up on email: [email protected], or telephone: 07769 725174. You can also submit an online referral.

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You can give a compliment about a City of York Council service or a named worker. This could be where you’re really happy with the service you’ve experienced and you would like to let the service or worker know.

You can give a compliment about a council service by contacting the council's Have Your Say Team on telephone: 01904 554145, or email: [email protected]. You can also submit a complaint or compliment online.

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Children aged up to 18 have an entitlement to access advocacy support if they would like help to make a complaint about a health service. This advocacy is provided locally by York Advocacy Hub.

Contact York Advocacy Hub on telephone: 01904 414357, by text on telephone: 07864 728942, or on email: [email protected].

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