When a child comes into care, the council becomes their corporate parent.
A corporate parent is any professional who is directly involved in the care and safeguarding of a child or young person who is in the care of the local authority. Corporate parents include:
This is what young people think that everyone who is their corporate parent should do.
These key things are there to make sure the council and its partners are accountable for the support they should be providing children and young people in their care.
Every professional should be aware of their responsibilities as a corporate parent and make sure they are doing all they can to be as involved with the young people they support.
Young people need to be listened to and their views taken into account when decisions are being made.
Young people in care have often referred to the quote ‘treat me like you would your own child’. Corporate parents should uphold this ethos and encourage children and young people in care to thrive and achieve their best, exactly like they would support their own child.