When a young person is in care, the council acts in place of your parents. They care for you and do all the things for you that your parents normally would. However, it is not one person who is responsible for this, but the whole of the council.
Every Councillor, Director of Children’s Services, social worker and teacher have a responsibility to treat all young people in care the same as they would treat their own child.
Corporate parents will make sure that you can achieve the best of your ability and have the tools or resources that you need to thrive and help to reduce any barriers that you may face. The council will work together with other services that may support you, such as the NHS and schools, to make sure you get the support you need to lead a successful life.
Our Promise to you as Corporate Parents:
We promise to be loving, caring and aspirational to every young person in care and care leaver. We will act as your advocate; we will listen to your views on what is going well and what needs to change. We will do our best to stick by our promise to you and will make progressive change for things that may not be working well and things that need to change.