There are lots of benefits to getting involved in any participation through Speak Up.
This could be by taking part in the Children in Care Council and Care Leavers' Forum, interviewing, training and more.
You can gain new skills, meet new friends, and make a difference for children in care and care leavers. You can also help to design and shape the services that you access.
This is what some of our current members have said about getting involved:
It’s really nice to meet new people and make friends.
"I remember when I first joined it was great to know that I wasn’t alone in how I was feeling."
"Its great fun and I’ve got to make new friends."
I really loved the art session, I was worried about joining at first but it was really good.
"It’s like one huge family - I can come and know I can talk to someone and they will listen."
"My confidence has grown so much and my CV looks incredible."